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Selenium Training in Bangalore

Testing is significant for the product advancement process for the checking mistakes, imperfections to watch that the item will work fine with no product bugs and consequently give a decent nature of the outcome. There are many trying centers that are situated in and around Bangalore. The preparation is predominantly centered on the essential testing ideas and the course will begin with Selenium Training in Bangalore and other approaches. The course will give the end preparing projects and continuous based direction process. The Selenium Training in Bangalore is for the most part utilized for web applications and to plan the internet browser.
There are a few testing automated devices given inside the product framework program. The preparation is likewise centered on the fundamental ideas of java basic strategies that to be increasingly included on the Best Selenium Training Institute in Bangalore. KRN INFORMATIX is designed to familiarize test professionals with the basics of web applications using selenium testing. Testers can build, improve and maintain scripts using both the Selenium IDE and the Selenium Web Driver4. The target is the software testers that are looking to automate the testing of web applications using Selenium. These testers maybe new to test automation and, therefore, can include quality assurance professionals, managers or team leaders who are responsible for interaction with testers or who need to make sure tools are being fully and properly applied.
The test campaigns can contain several tests to run as it quickly understands the benefits of automation. This is the subject of the Selenium Training platform. This Selenium training in Bangalore will take you into the tools of this platform to simulate a real activity on a website and perform the tests process.

One of our main branches is at Marathahalli, which is normally placed among the most populated IT enterprises. The Selenium Training in Marathahalli introduces to our establishment to get the genuine IT feeling can be figured it out the ideal place for experts as well as a fresher. KRN INFORMATIX gives a standout among other Selenium Training in Marathahalli give maximum number of placements to our students.
The student can able to catch the real work environment in which they get to work on the projects according to their skill sets. Regular batches conducted by the trainers which will empower to find the job quickly and easily.

KRN INFORMATIX - Selenium Software Training in Bangalore provides the end to end training on selenium and manual testing from very basics to high end including Real time project. The Selenium Training conducted by Real time professional, Mr.Prathap kantam having 13+ years experience in Selenium Automation. All the Java topics required to learn the selenium will also be taken. After completion of each and every class, the video of that class will be recorded and given to the individual student. At the end of the course training will be given on one real time project. KRN INFORMATIX provides placement assistance and resumes preparation done by faculty. The Online Selenium Training in India can be taken either online courses or offline.

The Weekdays Selenium Training in Bangalore will be scheduled as from morning 7.00 am to 8.30 am and 8.30 am to 10.00 am. The evening batches will also be taken from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. The students can use their lab facilities available after the session to understand practically the concepts will able to work with different tools. The questions and answers will be explained on spot by the experts.

You will be able to comprehend both the fundamental and more complicated principles of automation testing using Selenium thanks to the in-depth Selenium training that KRN INFORMATIX is providing in Bangalore. This Selenium certification in Bangalore will teach you how to operate the automation environment using Selenium supported plugins such as TestNG Framework, Robot Class, Cucumber, and Gherkin. Within the confines of this Bangalore-based online Selenium class.

In this hands-on course from Selenium Training Institutes in Bangalore, you will learn automation testing by making use of the Selenium platform. There are over 1838 active job openings linked to automation testing in Bengaluru, and businesses such as Google and Accenture are searching for professionals with expertise in Selenium. Join right away.

Key Features of Selenium Training in Bangalore:

KRN INFORMATIX offers Selenium training in Bangalore in more than four branches with expert trainers and has total of Eight branches throughout the globe. Here are the key features,

50 Hours Course Duration
100% Job Oriented Training
Industry Expert Faculties
Individual Attention
Fee payment after the demo classes
Free Demo Class Available
Completed 300+ Batches
Certification Guidance
Hands on practical’s or project
Videos of all the classes are provided
Mock Interview
Resume Preparations
Will I get course materials after the course?
Video lectures, homework, Materials, Softwares, interview questions and answers and mock interviews are all available here.

What learning schedules do you offer?
We offer comprehensive Selenium training options, including online classes, classroom instruction, weekend and evening sessions, private instruction, and accelerated learning programs.

Are you looking for exciting offers?
Feel free to get in touch with us whenever you'd like to hear more about our specials and promotions.

Why should I learn this course from KRN INFORMATIX?
  • With the help of our Selenium Software Training in Bangalore, we'll provide you the knowledge and skills you need to confidently automate software tests.
  • Practical based Selenium Training in Bangalore and Online Training by Industrial professionals.
  • Also, we cover Basics to Expert level ideas in training series.
  • In addition, our Selenium Training & Testing Automation Instructor has over thirteen years of expertise.
  • As a consequence, you may obtain current information about Selenium Testing.
  • You are free to utilize our Best Lab facilities as often as you want.
  • The interview focused on Selenium Training for beginners in Bangalore.
  • As a result, we promise to assist new graduates in finding employment in the Selenium field.
  • As a result, after the training sessions, practical tasks, evaluations, and mock interviews will be undertaken.
  • As a result, we've earned the title of "Best Training Institute in Bangalore for Selenium"

Does KRN INFORMATIX support placements?
Yes, KRN IINFORMATIX Technologies - Selenium Training Institutes in Bangalore is a pioneer in placement services and provides unflinching support for outstanding candidates. We will let you practice for genuine interviews after you learn the technology and life skills. Our only purpose is to help you become technically adept so you can work for a reputable international corporation.

What are the different modes of training that KRN INFORMATIX provides?
KRN INFORMATIX provides both online and offline trainings. We have both weekdays and weekend classes. Even though if student attends online, students are able to see the black board, able to see desktop and able to ask doubts.

How do I enroll for the Selenium course in Bangalore at KRN INFORMATIX?
Call our support hotline at +91 9700779923 or +91 9591179691 or visit our office to enroll or email to We also operate in Bangalore, USA, UK.

FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions

Why learn Selenium?
Selenium is a popular web test and automation job. The automated test market is expected to grow at an 18.0% CAGR next year. Developers and testers prefer Selenium for automated testing. According to the latest Indian Job Portal survey, Selenium testers will have 27,000+ job possibilities by 2024.

Banking, insurance, industry, customer service, and logistics employ testing specialists. Testers need technical and subject knowledge. KRN INFORMATIX offers Selenium training to learn testing.

Selenium Course Curriculum

It is a point of pride for KRN INFORMATIX to offer the most comprehensive software testing education in Bangalore. The following topics are covered in the selenium testing course provided in Bangalore.


  • Selenium Overview
  • Installing Java
  • Installing Eclipse
  • Features of Java
  • Why Java for Selenium
  • First Eclipse Project
  • First Java program
  • Concept of class file
  • Platform Independence
  • Datatypes in Java
  • String class
  • If statements
  • Conditional and concatination operators
  • Mille Loop
  • For Loops
  • Practical Examples with loops
  • Usage of loops in Selenium
  • 40. Single Dimensional Arrays
  • Two Dimnsional arrays
  • Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
  • Drawbacks of arrays
  • What are Functions?
  • Function Input Parameters
  • Function Return Types
  • Local Variables
  • Global Variables
  • Static and Non-Static Variables
  • Static and Non-Static Functions
  • Creating Objects in Java
  • Meaning of static
  • Why Is main method static?
  • Object and Object References
  • Call by reference and Value
  • Constructors
  • Usage of Objects In Selenium
  • Concept of Inheritance
  • Interface
  • Overloadings and Overriding Funtions
  • Example on inheritance
  • Object Class
  • Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
  • Relevence of Packages
  • Creating Packages
  • Accessing Classes Across Packages
  • Good Features of eclipse
  • Accessing modifiers - Public, Private, Default, Protected
  • Exception hading with try catch block
  • Importance of exception handling
  • Exception and Error
  • Throwable Class
  • Final and Finally
  • Throw and Throws
  • Different Types of Exceptions
  • Need of exception handling in Selenium framework
  • Introduction to Collections API
  • ArrayList Class
  • HashTable Class
  • String class and functions
  • Reading/Writing Text Files
  • Reading Properties File in Java
  • Concept of jar file
  • ReadingiWrIfing Microsoft XLS Flies
  • Intalling Selenium IDE
  • Recording Script
  • Running, Pausing and debugging Script
  • Running a script line by line
  • Inserting commands in between script
  • XPATHS and installing firebug to get XPATHS
  • Wait Commands
  • Verification and Assertions
  • Should I use verify or assertion
  • JavaScript
  • User-extension.js in Selenium IDE
  • Why WebDriver?
  • Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
  • Architecture of selenium webdriver
  • Drivers for Firefox, 1E, chrome, !phone, Android etc
  • First Selenium Code
  • Working with chrome and IE
  • Selenium RC and WebDriver
  • Concept of firefox profile
  • What is Firefox profile
  • Why we need tirefox Profile
  • Close and Quit -Difference
  • Importing webdriver documentation in eclipse
  • WebDriver i DesiredCapabilities Class
  • Proxy settings with webdriver/Working with proxy Servers
  • HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities
  • Firepath and firebug Add-ons installation in Mozilla
  • Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
  • HTML language tags and attributes
  • Various locator strategies
  • WebDriver Interface
  • WebElement Interface
  • Identifying WebElements using id, name, class
  • Finding Xpaths to Identify
  • Absolute and complete Xpaths
  • Creating customized Xpaths without firebug
  • Css Selectors
  • Generating own CssSelectors
  • Performance of CssSelectors as compared to )(paths
  • Finding xpaths/cssselectors in different browsers - Mozilla,
  • Chrome and IE
  • Objects with same idixpathicssSelector
  • What is class attribute?
  • Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
  • Working with different browsers without changing code
  • Managing Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths
  • Managing/Identifying Links with xpathslcss selectors
  • Extracting More than one object from a page
  • Extracting all links of a page/Bulk extraction of objects
  • xtracting Objects from a specific area of a web page
  • Various strategies to test Links on a page by clicking on them one by one
  • Finding whether object Is present on page or not
  • Handling drop down list
  • Select Class in Selenium API
  • Managing radio buttons and Checkboxes
  • Hidden components
  • isDisplayed function
  • Taking Screenshots of the web page
  • Implicit and Explicit waits PageLoadTimeout Property WebDriverWatt Class
  • WebDriver.Timeout Interface
  • ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class WaitUntil Condition
  • Fluent Walt
  • Managing Ajax based components Concepts
  • Set Interface in Java Window Handles
  • Managing tabbed windows In 1E, Chrome and Mozilla
  • Managing popups in 1E, Chrome and Mozilla
  • Closing windows
  • Default Popups
  • Extracting Data From WebTable Dynamic WebTable
  • Handling Attaching files with Selenium
  • Changing your facebook profile picture by attaching new picture
  • Mouse movement with Selenium- Mouse interface
  • Handling Ajax Autosuggests
  • Handling Google Ajax Autosuggests
  • Handling Frames in Web Page
  • Handling cookies
  • More Examples on Webtables Webtables and css Selectors
  • Building custom functions for Webtables
  • Managing Javascript alerts
  • SimulaIng front and back buton click on Browser using
  • selenium
  • Assigning Firefox profile parameters
  • Downloading files using selenium
  • Selenium Javadocs
  • Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
  • Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
  • Actions class In WebdrIver-
  • Handling CSS menu with Action class-
  • Handling CSS menu with JavaScript
  • Executor-JavaScriptExecutor example-
  • Drag, drop, native events
  • Testing Framework
  • What is TestNg
  • Installing TestNg in Eclipse
  • TestNg annotations
  • Understanding usage of annotations
  • Running a Test in TestNg
  • Batch Running of tests in TestNg
  • Skipping Tests
  • Parameterizing Tests - DataProvider
  • Assertions/Reporting Errors
  • TestNg Reports
  • Advantages over Junit
  • Using TestNg in Selenium
  • Modular Driven Framework
  • Datadrtven Framework
  • Keyworddriven Framework
  • Hybrid Framework
  • Downloading and configuring Ant
  • Buildiarl configuration
  • HTML Report generation using Ant
  • What is Ant
  • XSLT report generation generation using TestNg and Ant
  • Building a BAT file to run tests using ANT
  • Overview of Data driven framework
  • Building the Test Base Class
  • Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
  • Initialize the Webdrlver
  • Repeating a test with different Data
  • Building utility functions
  • Parameterizing tests using XL Flies
  • Controlling Execution order from XL Files
  • Assertions and Reporting Errors ErrorCollector
  • Storing Screenshots of errors
  • Generating the HTML reports
  • Emailing test reports
  • Creating a BAT file for project execution
  • What is Maven and Why Maven?
  • Installing/Configuring Maven
  • Archetypes In Maven
  • Creating maven project through command line
  • POM.xml
  • importing Archetypes
  • Maven Repositories
  • Building POM.xml through command line to configure
  • Selenium and Junit
  • Importing the maven project Into eclipse
  • Building a selenium project and running It through Maven
  • Maven Antrun Plugin configuraion in POM.xml
  • Eclipse plugin for maven
  • Using the maven plugln to execute phases - compile,dean. oackaoe etc
  • Installing MySQL Database and making some tables in it
  • java.sql package
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Connection Interface
  • Statement and PreparedStatement Interfaces
  • ResultSet Interface
  • Firing select, insert, update and delete queries with database using Java JDBC
  • Looping the ResultSet
  • Using Annotations of JunitlTestNg to establish connection with database when Using Selenium
  • Introduction to Grid 2
  • Creating Nodes and Hubs
  • Deciding number of browsers on a Node
  • Deciding type of browsers on Node
  • Limiting number of concurrent browsers on node
  • Difference between maxSession and maxinstance
  • Configuring chromedriver and lEdriver exe files on grid
  • Testng configurations
  • RemoteWebDriver and DesiredCapabilities
  • Configuring JSON file format to initialize/configure hub and nodes
  • Running single test on single node - serially In multiple browsers
  • Running single test on single node — parallely on multiple browsers
  • Running single test on multiple nodes — each node having different browser
  • Can we decide node to run test?
  • Running multiple tests spread across 3 nodes — one for ie, one for firefox and one for chrome
  • Node Tirneout
  • Prioritizing the test cases
  • Prioritizer Interface and CustomPrioritizer
  • Sharing same webdriver instance among multiple tests after prioritizing them
  • Grid Coding in eclipse
  • Creating a Grid sample test case
  • End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on one node
  • End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine
  • End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine and on multiple browsers
  • What is POM
  • When to use POM
  • inheritance and Encapsulation In POM
  • Designing POM classes
  • Putting up test configurations in a properties file
  • Building Page class
  • Building generaic utility functions
  • Runner Class
  • Given, when, Then, And, But annotations
  • Passing Parameters to Step function
  • Batch running the test cases
  • Using junit/testng to execute test cases
  • Parameterizing tests using XL Files
  • Taking screenshots
  • Genrating reports and reporting errors
  • Mailing the test Reports
  • Creating a Bat file for project executing
  • Autoit
  • Robot
  • Downlaocling and installing GIT
  • Installing GIT and GITHUB plugins for jenkins
  • Configuring ssh host keys for GIT and Jenkins
  • Git Bash commands and operations
  • Uploading project to GIT using GIT Bash
  • What is continuous integration
  • How Jenkins helps in continuous integration
  • Downloading and installing Jenkins
  • Executing simple batch commands
  • Build project at will and build at intervals/ Scheduling builds
  • Build Triggers
  • Mailing if build fails
  • Configuring/Scheduling Maven Project In Jenkins
  • Configuring/Scheduling remote Git maven project in Jenkins
  • introduction about logging
  • Introduction about Log4J framework
  • Logging Problem without log4J
  • How to solve logging problem with log4J
  • What is layout
  • Different types of layouts In log4J
  • What is Appender
  • Different types of Appenders in log4J
  • What Is BDD
  • Downloading Cucumber Jars
  • Junit & Cucumber
  • Preparing Feature File
  • Step definition
  • Runner Class
  • Given, when, Then, And, But annotations
  • Passing Parameters to Step function

Click here to Download the Selenium syllabus.

